Is Your Car Engine Overheating? 3 Reasons To Seek Urgent Auto Repair Services

Posted on: 28 November 2022


One car problem you should never take lightly is an overheating engine since it could cause more severe and expensive damage to your vehicle. Once your engine starts overheating, it is important to pull over to the side, switch off the car, and open the hood to allow the engine's air to flow. However, you should not try to diagnose and repair the problem since you will likely cause more problems. Instead, call a mechanic to determine what is causing your engine to overheat and fix it. Below are a few reasons your car may start overheating.

1. Ineffective Radiator

The radiator plays a significant role in cooling the engine. Once the coolant or antifreeze absorbs the heat from the engine, it will pass through the radiator tubes with fins attached to their sides. These fins will then absorb the heat from the antifreeze before flowing back to the engine, and the cycle repeats itself. Unfortunately, a dented or leaking radiator will not effectively absorb heat, affecting the engine's cooling process and increasing the chances of overheating. So, it is important to hire auto repair technicians to fix issues with your radiator before the problem escalates.  

2. Thermostat Defects

The thermostat valve controls the flow of the antifreeze from the radiator to the engine. When you first switch on your vehicle, the engine is not hot and will have to run for a while to attain the required temperatures. Therefore, the thermostat's valve will remain closed until the engine heats up enough before releasing the coolant to absorb this heat. However, any damage to the thermostat may affect its effectiveness, causing it to remain closed even after the engine gets hot. As a result, the coolant won't flow into the engine, so it will begin overheating.

3. Air Penetration into the System

The car's cooling system is usually a closed loop. However, wear and tear on the cooling components can lead to small holes that allow air to seep in. The air pockets prevent the coolant from flowing freely and push the coolant levels up. Therefore, you may think the coolant levels are okay when only a little is left to absorb the engine's heat, causing it to overheat.

Air pockets in the coolant, a damaged thermostat, and an ineffective radiator are some of the causes of an overheating vehicle. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the root cause of an overheating vehicle if you are not a professional. Therefore, it is best to hire auto repair professionals to diagnose the problem, fix it quickly, and get you back on the road within the shortest time possible.

For more information, contact a company like Precision Towing & Recovery.